Department of Electrical & Biomedical Engineering

Office of the Head of Department

Engr. Dr. Shahid Atiq
Assocaite Professor (HOD)
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Welcome to the Department of Electrical & Biomedical Engineering at the Khawaja Fareed UEIT. We are a vibrant, friendly and energetic group of students, staff, and faculty dedicated to education and research in an equitable, diverse and inclusive environment. Our department is home to more than 400 talented undergraduate students enrolled in our world-renowned co-operative education program. Here, our students have the opportunity to explore careers, gain experience and earn money. We offer undergraduate, Masters and PhD programs in power engineering, Electronics & Communication engineering, and biomedical engineering. Our department is also home to more than 400 innovative and highly dedicated graduate students with inquisitive minds seeking to advance the state of the art, and develop expertise in their fields of research. We offer highly-regarded and unique Master of Engineering regular Master of Engineering programs (with various specializations), a research-based Master of Applied Science program, and a Doctor of Philosophy program, all designed to prepare our students for careers in academic, government, or corporate environments. Our department is home to world-class research labs, such as the High Voltage Engineering Lab, ICs Designing, Communication Systems Lab, among others. Our state-of-the-art facilities are designed to promote engagement between our faculty and our students. I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our department. It would be a pleasure if you visited us here at Khawaja Fareed UEIT, or joined our department as a student, staff or faculty member in the future!


Usman Ali's photo
Ms. Sana Mukhtar
Office Assistant
Usman Ali's photo
Nasir Hussain
Naib Qasid