Department of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

Office of the Head of Deparmtment

Engr. Dr. Badar ul Islam
Associate Professor
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The Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) of Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology (KFUEIT) is a cutting-edge academic institution that aspires to promote the field of AI and data science through education, research, and innovation. With a team of highly experienced faculty members and cutting-edge equipment, the department provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes the most recent advances in data science and AI. Our students are prepared to tackle tough real-world challenges by applying advanced data analysis, programming skills, machine learning, and artificial intelligence techniques. 

Mr. Ghulam Sabir
Mr. Ghulam Sabir
Office Assistant
Mr. Muhammad Imtiaz
Mr. Muhammad Imtiaz
Naib Qasid