World Intellectual Property Day----April 26 2023
Quality Enhancement Cell, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan Pakistan is going to organize one day training on "Innovation and Creativity for Sustainable Intellectual Rights" on April 26, 2023 (Hybrid Mode). You are requested to please join us.
In 2023, we celebrate the “can do” attitude of women inventors, creators and entrepreneurs around the world and their ground-breaking work.
Women in all regions are shaping the world through their imagination, ingenuity and hard work, but often face significant challenges in accessing the knowledge, skills, resources and support they need to thrive.
#KFUEIT #Pakistan #WIPO #WorldIPDay #IntellectualProperty #WomenInnovators #WomenInventors #WomenCreators #Creativity #Innovation #GenderEquality #WomeninIP #Equity #Inclusion #GenderGap #IPandGender #Diversity #university #work #training #engineering #quality #sustainable #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurs #informationtechnology #mode