Office of the Registrar

Dr. Javed Iqbal
Tel / Ext. : +92 (68) 923 2313
Registrar Department, being a core office of university acts as the Secretariat of the University and is responsible for the following:
- The Admissions Process for all degree programs
- The Student Registration Process and ensuring that electronic as well as paper based records of students are maintained
- Recruitment Process for all employments
- Constituting Statutory Bodies (Syndicate, Selection Board, Academic Council, Finance and Planning Committee, BASR, Boards of Studies)
- Meetings of Statutory Bodies: Organizing the meetings, preparation of agenda and working papers, preparation of minutes of meetings and circulation of minutes
- Employee Attendance, Leave and Personal Files record management
- Employee Performance Appraisal Management
- Degree and Experience Verification of Employees
- Degree verification of students
- Ensuring that prescribed procedures and rules are followed for award of financial assistance and scholarships
- Ensuring that cases pertaining to migration, separation, suspension and withdrawal of students are processed as per prescribed procedures and rules
- Be responsible to ensure that disciplinary matters of both Academic and Non-Academic nature pertaining to the faculty members, officers, non-teaching staff and students are dealt with in accordance with the Statutes, Rules and Regulations of the University
- Be fully responsible for processing all matters pertaining to University convocations

Dr. Muhammad Anwar Farooq
Additional Registrar

Mr. Muhammad Abid Ali
Deputy Registrar
Tel / Ext. : +92 (68) 923 2413

Mr. Ali Ijaz
Assistant Registrar
Tel / Ext. : +92 (68) 923 2434
Mr. Arslan Saeed
Assistant Registrar
Tel / Ext. : +92 (68) 588 2465

Mr. Amjad

Mr. Fazal Mehmood
Computer Operator

Mr. Muhammad Farhan Nawaz
Computer Operator

Mr. Javed Iqbal
Computer Operator

Mr. Muhammad Faisal
Naib Qasid

Mr. Muhammad Adnan