Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

Dr. Muhammad Bilal Tahir
Director QEC
Office Address: Office # 00, 1st Floor, Electrical Engineering Building, KFUEIT, RYK
The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at KFUEIT was established in March
2016. Since then, the Cell has been working effectively not only to enhance
quality of education but also continuously improving upon it.
Key objectives of QEC are:
• To conduct regular training programs to enhance awareness of quality among faculty members
• To take steps to implement Outcome Based Education (OBE) in all degree programs at KFUEIT
• Conduct Mid-Semester and End-Semester student feedback survey for each course being
conducted at KFUEIT and provide summary reports for the same to faculty members
concerned through his/her Dean and HoD
• Conduct Campus Facilities & Environment Feedback Survey once every semester and submit
the report to Vice Chancellor
• Conduct Faculty Members Course Feedback Survey for each course conducted at KFUEIT and
submit the report to the HoD concerned through the relevant Dean
• Conduct a Faculty Satisfaction Feedback Survey once every semester and submit the report to
the Vice- Chancellor and relevant Dean and HoD
• Conduct self-assessment Review (SAR) for each degree program at KFUEIT once every
two years using the methodology prescribed by HEC and prepare relevant reports for the
consideration of Vice Chancellor, Dean of the faculty concerned and relevant HoD.
• Promote the linkage between university and industry
• Conduct Alumni Feedback Survey from graduates of all programs at KFUEIT at the time of
degree completion and submit the report to Vice Chancellor
• Conduct an Alumni Feedback Survey from graduates of all programs at KFUEIT three years
after graduation and submit the report to Vice Chancellor
• Provide KFUEIT quality related data to HEC as requested from time to time in coordination
with Registrar Office, Deans and Vice Chancellor.