Office of the Resident Auditor

Mr. Muhammad Wasim Aslam
Resident Auditor

Resident Auditor Office has been established under section 18 of KFUEIT Act 2014 to assure independent and objectivity in Pre-Audit of University expenditures. It helps the University to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance process.

Key deliverables of office are:

  • To pre audit the bills of all kind of expenditure incurred by University.
  • Verification of Financial Statements/ Annual accounts of University.
  • Vetting of utilization reports of all kind of projects.
  • Verification of pay fixations, pension, & leave Accounts, etc.
  • Providing Financial Advice on any matter as desire by Worthy Vice Chancellor office and Registrar office.
Mr. Muhammad Qurban
Assistant Auditor
Mr. Muhammad Awais
Photo Copier Operator