KFUEIT- A Place Open to All

The University has policy of education and workplace for all regardless of ethnicity, religion, caste, creed, beliefs, gender etc. The Punjab Provincial Assembly passed the Act of our University to ensure the access of the University to all without any prejudice. In Order to further stress on the matter and make procedures unambigius, the Statutes of the University were forwarded in 2020 and approved in 2021. These statutes strictly prohibit the discrimination or prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, caste, creed, beliefs, gender etc. The University aims to make women an influential, integral and educated part of the community. The University has a number of policies including maternity and paternity policies, that support women's participation. 

The University looks forward to make people with disabilities an integral and useful part of the society. In this regard the KFUEIT has reserved seats in admissions for disabled persons in addition to open merit seats. The KFUEIT has the policies to allocate researved seats in admissions for the people from the poor neighbourhood and they are offered scholarships as well. Such interventions help the people from poor neighbourhoods to excel and become an active and talented part of the society.

At our University, Need Based Scholarship Programs cover the financial needs of the students falling in bottom 20% household income group as per world bank data. These programs are designed and developed to provide continuous support throughout their stay at the university till the degree completion. Support for lowincome Undergraduate students is provided as scholarships equivalent to the maximum of their full tuition fee. Free medical services are provided by the university.