ICT Infrastructure
From its very inception, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology (KFUEIT) is Convinced that, if it wants to achieve its lofty objectives, it would require very strong Information & Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure. Provision of state-of-the-art ICT facilities to its faculty, students & administrative staff are the cornerstone for development of Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology. With this in view, we at KFUEIT have perfected an ICT infrastructure design, through which we have implemented all sorts of information systems with ZERO cost for the software component, by leveraging open source technologies. For the hardware and networking components we have implemented solutions with long life and low cost. Additionally, with a minimum number of supporting staff, the deployed IT infrastructure gives KFUEIT, a leading edge over all other universities in the region.
The Campus incorporates cutting-edge ICT technologies to provide triple play services (data, voice and video) to the whole campus. This includes University Data Center, Campus-wide Fiber Optical Network and Wi-Fi mesh for high-speed data connectivity, video conferencing, IP-telephony, IP Fax facility, Smart class rooms and various other interactive features for entire campus. Solutions that we have made operational at KFUEIT for the academia include the technologies of learning management, university management, project management, communication and collaboration, virtual private network, thin client computing and multimedia services. At KFUEIT, our focus is to facilitate the adoption of open source software and technologies, in order to strengthen the technological base of the country and, at the same time, use the less money, thus saved for development of physical infrastructure.

KFUEIT Data Center
University mini datacenter is developed in accordance to common standards including fire detection, alarm & suppression system, redundant AC units, precision UPS & power system, CCTV and access control system for remote monitoring. KFUEIT data center is acting as hub for dissemination of LAN, Internet, IP-telephony, IP-Fax and Web Services, Server Farm which includes LMS, MIS, ERP, Firewalls, Wireless LAN Controller, Directory servers, Proxy, Email, Web, Network Management System, Backup and many more). More hardware has been added in data center in 2019 including additional racks for housing additional servers and large LCD for network monitoring.

Admission Portal
- Online applications
- Submission on eligibility criteria matched
- Online fee vouchers with online verifications
- Academic session wise data
- Merit list generation
- SMS Notifications
- Email Notifications
- Documents management
- International Students
- Statistics (program/region/gender)
- User and Role management system
- Audit Logs
- Mobile friendly

Academic Management System
- Students records
- Departments
- Faculties
- Course
- Plan of study
- Course allocation
- Students Enrollment
- Teachers workload
- Grade Book
- Fee Plan
- Academic Role
- Result intimation
- Students Transcript

Learning Management System
- Student course
- Attendance
- Assignments
- Quiz
- Virtual Programming Lab
- Turnitin Assignment
- Announcements
- Online Exams
- Notifications and course related activity or resource

A Glimpse of IT Facilities Available at KFUEIT
KFUEIT ICT facilities are being continuously upgraded to keep them in sync with fast paced advance in computing technologies. The KFUEIT believes that a modern IT environment for students, faculty and administration is absolutely essential for providing quality education. To achieve this objective, the recently commissioned state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure will allow easy accessibility to students, faculty, administration, as well as parents and alumni, enabling them to interact with one another. The KFUEIT ICT department provides computing facilities to staff, faculty, and students. It also develops plans with objectives and actions that help achieve a highly competitive and technology-intensive environment for the Institute. Few of the major IT services provisioned at the campus are as follows:
- University IT Data Center.
- State of the art Campus Network and IT Infrastructure.
- High-speed intra campus connectivity over fiber optics cable with transmission rate up to 10Gbps.
- WiFi facility all over campus and in hostels with 120+ wireless access points.
- Redundant Connectivity of sites at Point to Point Radio links.
- Internet Bandwidth 366Mbps CIR available at KFUEIT through multiple ISPs.
- HEC Pakistan Educational Research (PERN) Network Link Connectivity.
- HEC Digital Library Access
- IP Telephony Exchange & Fax Service
- 600+ Lab Computers for Students
- All Computer labs connected via high-speed LAN.
- Video Conferencing System Facility at all Conference Rooms
- Next Generation Firewalls, IPS, IDS Security System
- Biometric & RFID based attendance management system for employees and students.
- Campus RFID Card Printing & Scanning System
- VPN for secure campus data access from remote location.
- Round the clock e-mail systems available for faculty, staff and students
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- HR Management System
- Exam Management System
- Scholarship Management System
- Timetable Management System
- Library Management Systems
- Store and Inventory Management
- Accounting & Finance System
- Lectures Attendance System
- Visitor Management System
- Case Management System
- ORIC Dashboard
- Students Queue Management System for One Window Facilitation Center
- University Open Courseware
- Hostel Management System
- Online Testing System
- Transport Management Systems Management System
- Online surveys for end-semester students feedback
- Turnitin Access for Faculty
- University Public websites
- Admissions Management System.
- Online Job Portal