Examination Regulations

Examination Regulations

1. Examinations Office

This office of Controller of Examinations is responsible for preparing examination schedules, holding of semester’s examinations, maintenance and compilation of results issuance of semester result reports, transcripts, certificates and degrees.

2. Degree Requirements
  • To earn 16 years of education degree, a student must successfully complete the number of credit hours as prescribed by the plan of study of the degree program in which he/she is enrolled. At the time of graduation, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) should not be below 2.00.
  • To earn 18 years of education degree, a student must successfully complete the number of credit hours as prescribed by the plan of study of the degree program in which he/she is enrolled. At the time of graduation, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) should not be below 2.50.
3. Comprehensive Exam

In addition to fulfillment of CGPA and credit hours requirement, student has to pass a comprehensive exam of his/her department (with minimum of 50% or above) to qualify for award of degree and final transcript.

4. Internship

The student must has done an internship in his/her academic period in order to be eligible for award of degree. However, this internship would be non-credited.

5. Student Evaluation

Students are evaluated by mid-semester exam, home assignments, quizzes, case studies, course project, laboratory reports, oral tests and the end semester examination. The weightage allocated to each assessment item depends upon the nature of the course.

6. Student Enrollment

A student enrolled in a semester and active throughout the semester will be considered eligible for being permitted to appear in the mid semester and end semester examinations.

7. Award of Letter Grades

The course teacher, having interacted with the students, taught them and having assessed them over the semester, shall award letter grades to the students. Chairman of the concerned degree awarding department will be consulted while finalizing the letter grades. Letter grades in each Type-A course shall be awarded on a relative scale whereas, letter grades in Type-B and Type-C courses may be awarded on an absolute scale, if deemed appropriate by the course teacher.

8. Relative Grading Method

A number of different relative grading schemes may be used at the University. Two of the acceptable schemes are explained below. Other schemes may be used with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty.

Relative Grading Based on Mean and Standard Deviation on a Normal Distribution Curve

Following steps in awarding letter grades on a relative scale are to be followed:

  • Minimum marks threshold linked to content mastery shall be established for award of a passing letter grade. Students earning marks below this threshold shall be awarded “F” grade;
  • Expected maximum marks threshold shall also be established. Student(s) crossing the maximum threshold, if any, will be awarded “A+” grade. The grade points of “A+” and “A” are same. As such, it is expected that only exceptional students demonstrating outstanding results are given recognition by award of this grade.
  • Students earning marks between the maximum and minimum thresholds are listed in descending order of merit and the average (x) and standard deviation (σ) is computed for the set of marks obtained by students.
  • Passing letter grades are awarded according to the table given below, with “A” being the highest passing grade and “D” being the lowest passing grade.

Table: Letter Grades & Corresponding Grade Points

  • A+


  • A


  • A-


  • B+


  • B


  • B-


  • C+


  • C


  • C-


  • D+


  • D


  • F


The following ranges for the letter grading are recommended and the detail is also shown in the below figure:

  • A+ will be assigned to above x+2σ
  • A will be assigned to the range between x+3σ/2 and x+2σ
  • A-will be assigned to the range between x+σ and x+3σ/2
  • B+ will be assigned to the range between x+σ/2 and x+σ
  • B grade will be assigned to the mean and spread in 1st half of the standard deviation i.e. B=x+σ/2
  • B- will be assigned to the range between x-σ/2 and x-σ
  • C+ will be assigned to the range between x-σ and x-4σ/3
  • C will be assigned to the range between x-4σ/3 and x-5σ/3
  • C- will be assigned to the range between x-5σ/3 and x-2σ
  • Similarly, below x-2σ D and fail grades shall be assigned

Relative Grading Using Normalization With Respect to Highest Score

Teacher may normalize absolute grades in order to incorporate aspects of both absolute and relative grading methods, if felt necessary. The normalized absolute grade levels are set as follows:

a) Letter grades in type-A courses, which include theoretical credits, shall be awarded on a relative scale. If maximum marks obtained by a student in any type-A course are “X”, minimum levels for letter grades become:

  • A ≥ 0.85X
  • A- ≥ 0.80X
  • B+ ≥ 0.75X
  • B ≥ 0.71X
  • B ≥ 0.68X
  • C+ ≥ 0.64X
  • C ≥ 0.61X
  • C- ≥ 0.58X
  • D+ ≥ 0.54X
  • D ≥ 0.50X
  • F ≥ 0

b) A+ is the highest passing grade and D is the lowest passing grade. However, it is expected that only exceptional students demonstrating outstanding results are given recognition by award of A+ grade.

c) In type-B courses, which include laboratory credits, letter grades can be assigned on relative or absolute scale whichever is deemed fit by the course teacher.

Letter GradeGrade Boundaries
A+95 and above
FBelow 50
CGPA% Marks
0.00-0.99Below 40

If the CGPA falls in between any range, then the percentage has to be defined by linear interpolation between two extreme limits. For example, if the CGPA of a student is 2.80, it falls in range 60-69, percentage will be calculated as follows:

Y2= [(X2-X1)(Y3-Y1)/(X3-X1)]+Y1

= 67.3%

  • X1=2.50
  • X2=2.80
  • X3=2.87
  • Y1=60
  • Y2=?
  • Y3=69
10. GPA Computation Method

The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) shall be computed according to the following formulae:


x = 1 to n, where n is the number of courses in the semester for which SGPA is to be computed.


y = 1 to m, where m is the number of total courses covered in all semesters up to the semester for which CGPA is to be computed.

11. Authority to Compute Results

Grade Points (GP) in each course, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of each student shall be computed and notified by the Controller of Examinations at the end of each semester.

12. Withdrawal from a course

A student may withdraw from a course(s) if he/she feels that he/she cannot complete it and continuing with it will adversely affect all of the other courses also. The HOD must be informed by the student through a written request on the prescribed form regarding his/her intention for withdrawal from a course. Non-attendance will not constitute an official withdrawal.

Withdrawal Before End of Second Week (“W0” Grade)

  • After being registered in any semester, a student can Add/Drop any course with the permission of Adviser/HOD till the end of second study week. Such withdrawn courses shall be identified with status “W0”, and neither will be shown on transcript nor will affect the SGPA. Courses repeated after such withdrawal will not be suffixed with “(Repeat)” when shown on the transcript.

Withdrawal Before End of 10th Week (“W1” Grade)

  • With the permission of teacher and HOD/Advisor, a student can withdraw from any course till the end of 10th study week and there will be no fee refund. Such course will be identified with status “W1” and neither will be shown on transcript nor will affect the SGPA. Courses repeated after such withdrawal will not be suffixed with “(Repeat)” when shown on the transcript.

Withdrawal After 10th Week (“W2” Grade)

  • With the permission of teacher and HOD/Advisor, a student can withdraw from any course after 10th study week but before final exam and there will be no fee refund. Such withdrawn courses shall appear in the transcript with a letter grade “W2”, and shall not be used in computation of SGPA. Courses repeated after such withdrawal will not be suffixed with “(Repeat)” when shown on the transcript.

Administrative Withdrawal (“W3” Grade)

  • A student registered in a course may not be permitted to continue due to any disciplinary action. Such students shall be placed under “W3” academic status. It shall appear in the transcript as such and shall not be used in computation of SGPA. Courses repeated after forced withdrawal will not be suffixed with “(Repeat)” when shown on the transcript. A student who does not drop a course nor appears in any assessment instrument will not be eligible for “W3” grade and will be awarded an “F” grade instead.

Withdrawal due to short of attendance (“W4” Grade)

  • If a student is short of attendance in any course, he/she shall be placed under enrolment status “F-Sat”. Such courses shall appear in transcript with letter grade “W4” and shall not be used in computation of SGPA/CGPA.
13. Award of “I” and ”IP” Grades

Incomplete “I” Grade

A student, who because of illness or any other acceptable reason fails to complete the required instruments in any course may be awarded an “I” (Incomplete) grade as an interim grade. Students having less than 75% attendance will not be eligible for award of this grade. This grade shall appear in the transcript temporarily until it is replaced by the actual grade and will not be treated as “F” grade. The student receiving such a grade shall make up the unfinished portion of his course to the satisfaction of the faculty member who awarded this grade, and shall be given a letter grade as per regulations at the discretion of the faculty member without prejudice to the previous grade “I”. In case, the student fails to complete the unfinished portion within the following semester his “I” grade would be converted to ”F” grade by the Controller of Examinations. The responsibility for completing the unfinished portion and lies with the affected student.

In Progress “IP” Grade

Course(s) that spread over more than one semester maybe graded as “IP” until completion of these courses. This grade shall be recorded in the transcript and will not be treated as “F” grade. First portion of such course maybe graded as “IP” if the department decides to award the final letter grade upon completion of the second portion. It shall appear in the transcript as such and shall not be used in computation of SGPA/CGPA and total credit hours completed till that time. However, this IP grade will be replaced by the original grade when final grade is awarded. Upon completion of this course the SGPA of previous semester(s) and credit hour count will be updated as well.

14. Repetition of Courses
  • A student is permitted to repeat a course to improve his/her grade in the course during a semester within their maximum credit hours registration limit and has to pay the prescribed per credit hour fee.
  • Separate repetition of Type B part or Type A part of a course, which is combination of Type A and Type B, is permitted.
  • Only those students who fail to qualify in a course, have obtained a D or D+ grade or C grade (only if CGPA falls below 2.00) shall be allowed to repeat a course.
  • A student can repeat a course in summer semester or in a regular semester with another session.
  • In case of repetition of a course, the better earned grade shall be used in computing the CGPA on the transcript.
  • The student is allowed to repeat maximum of seven courses in an eight semester degree program. However, this limit applies to type-A theoretical courses only.
  • The student, after re-admission, is permitted to repeat seven courses irrespective of those repeated before re-admission.
15. Academic Warning, Probation and Separation
  • A student will be placed on Warning if his SGPA falls below 2.0 in any semester with his CGPA remaining greater than 2.0.
  • A student will be placed on Probation if his CGPA falls below 2.0 after any semester.
  • A student will be separated from the University if he remains on probation for two consecutive semesters.
  • Separated students can apply to the Vice Chancellor for re-admission.
16. Student’s Status and Academic Deficiencies after Summer Semester
  • After summer semester, student can’t be placed under academic status “Warning” if his/her semester grade point average falls below 2.00.
  • No probation decision shall be made based upon the CGPA attained by the student at the end of summer semester.
  • If student is on probation after Spring semester, this probation can be removed after summer semester if CGPA becomes greater than 2.00.
  • If student is on probation after Spring semester he/she can’t be separated after summer semester if CGPA remains below 2.00 and has another chance to improve CGPA in Fall semester.
  • If a student is separated after Spring semester and succeeds in improving his/her CGPA in summer semester (i-e., greater than or equal to 2.00), his/her status of separation can be removed.
17. Award of Degree and Merit Position

a) Students who are eligible for the award of degree are required to submit a Degree Requirements Completion Form to their respective chairman for onward submission to the Controller of Examinations. Degree award status would be decided only after receipt of this form.

b) Students shall qualify for the award of degree if they earn a minimum CGPA of 2.0 for BS and M.Sc. Programs and 3.0 for MS/PhD programs and they satisfy the following conditions:

c)Students shall qualify for a “Degree with Honours” if they satisfy the following conditions:

d)Medals and merit positions will only be awarded to students having earned degree with honours. The awards will be based on the CGPA earned at the time of graduation. Comparison will be made within the students of same entry session graduating in the minimum permissible duration. Immigrating and re-admitted students will not be eligible for any medal or merit position.

  • Have no compulsory outstanding course with “W0”, “W1”, “W2”, “W3”, “I”, “IP” and “F” grades during all semesters of a degree program.
  • Have repeated elective courses in which “W0”, “W1”, “W2”, “W3”, “I” , “IP” and “F” grades have been earned or have studied alternate elective courses in lieu of these to fulfill the credit hour requirements.
  • Have completed the prescribed number of credit hours.
  • Have earned a CGPA of 3.70 or above out of a maximum of 4.00;
  • Have not repeated a course;
  • Have not withdrawn from a course with a “W1”, “W2” or “W3” grade; and
  • Have not earned an ‘F’ grade in any core or elective course during the course of study.
18. Dean’s Honour Roll

At the end of each semester, there shall be a “Dean’s Honour Roll” of students earning a Semester GPA of 3.7 and above without any “W2”, “W2”, “W3” or “F” grade while registered in at least 15 credit hours during that semester. There shall not be any Dean's Honour Roll for summer semester result.

19. Student Grievances

a) A student may file a grievance petition with the Chairman of his department about any course instructor or grades or for any other issue. The Chairman will form a 3 members departmental Committee headed by a senior faculty member to redress the grievance. It will be mandatory on the Committee to hear both sides (student and the teacher) and give the final decision within (05) five working days or before the start of registration for the new semester, whichever comes earlier. The decision of the Committee will be deemed final and will be binding on all parties.

b) In respect of grade a student must submit the grievance application, if any, in writing to the Head of the Department within (07) seven working days of the receipt of the grade. The Head of Department shall forward the grievance application to the Committee.

20. Rechecking of Examination Script

a) The answer book of a candidate shall not be reassessed under any circumstances.

b) Whereas the re-checking does not mean reassessment/re-evaluation/re-marking of the answer book, the examination department can arrange for re-checking of examination script. The Controller of Examination or any officer or re-checking committee appointed shall see that:

  • There is no computational mistake in the grand total on the title page of the answer book.
  • The total of various parts of a question has been correctly made at the end of each question.
  • All totals have been correctly brought forward on the title page of the answer book.
  • No portion of any answer has been left unmarked.
  • Total marks in answer book tally with the marks sheet.
  • The hand-writing of the candidate tally in the questions/answer book.

c) The candidate or anybody on his behalf has no right to see or examine the answer books for any purpose.

d) The marks of student could even decrease in light of 21(b) above. In the event of reduction of marks, the record shall be corrected accordingly and revised transcript will be issued.

e) In case if any observation related to above is found, the Examination Department shall route the recommendations through the Dean to the Head of Department. Finally communicated to concerned teacher, who can only make necessary actions. In case that faculty member is no longer available or cannot be reached, the department Chairman has the authority to evaluate the situation, if required. When a grade is to be changed, the Chairman shall forward the case to the Dean with justification for change. The result will be modified after approval of the Dean.

22. Evaluation Process of Courses

a) Evaluation of Type-A Courses

  • For mid and end semester examination of Type-A courses, the teacher of a course shall set the question paper of that course, supervise its examination, mark the answer books and prepare the award list. Any teaching resource provided to assist a teacher cannot be tasked to mark mid and end semester examination answer books.
  • Every teacher of Type-A courses shall return the marked quizzes, assignments, etc. and mid semester examination scripts to the students for review, and in case of presentations etc. communicate the earned score to the student within one week of the event. Mid-semester examination scripts, however, would be recovered from the students and deposited with the chairman concerned.
  • At the end of scheduled teaching period of a semester but before commencement of the end semester examination, the teacher shall prepare and display the Interim Award list. Composition, display, correction, and reporting requirements/procedures of Interim Award list shall be as prescribed in these rules.
  • Teachers would mark the end semester examination scripts and prepare and display complete Award list within one week after the examination of the course.
  • The students may be shown the end semester examination marked scripts before submission of Comprehensive Award list to the Controller of Examinations, if they so desire.

b) Evaluation of Type-B Courses

  • Teachers of Type-B courses shall keep all students informed of their performance at every stage in each category of task performed. Immediately after the end of each stage/assessment event, teachers shall prepare and communicate the earned score to the student in that stage/assessment event.
  • At the end of semester and before the end of examination period, teachers shall prepare and display the Interim Award list. Content and other requirements regarding Interim Award list shall be as prescribed in these rules.
  • After following the procedures and requirements regarding Interim Award list, the teachers shall prepare and display complete Award list, within one week after the end of scheduled teaching period.

c) Evaluation of Type-C Courses

  • Teachers of Type-C courses shall keep all students informed of their performance at every stage in each category of task performed. Immediately after the end of each stage/assessment event, teachers shall prepare and display a list of earned score of each student in that assessment instrument.
  • At the end of first of the two semesters of a Type-C course and before the end of examination period, teachers would prepare and display an Intermediate Award list. This list would be similar to the Comprehensive Award list of Type-A and Type -B courses except that letter grade assignment based upon this list will be limited to “IP” Grade.
  • At the end of second of the two semesters of a Type-C course and before the end of examination period, teachers shall prepare and display the Interim Award list. Content and other requirements regarding Interim Award list shall be as prescribed in these rules.
  • Within one week of the conduct of Viva-voce/Jury examination, internal and external examiners shall prepare and display complete Award list.
23. Interim Award list
  • Interim Award list would show the percentage as well as weighted score of each stage/assessment instrument of that course including the mid-semester examination in case of Type-A courses.
  • The Interim Award list will be communicated to all students via electronic means or/and displayed on the Notice Boards for at least five working days to permit students to point out any anomalies, errors, omissions etc. in the list.
  • The Interim Award list will be communicated to all students via electronic means or/and displayed on the Notice Boards for at least five working days to permit students to point out any anomalies, errors, omissions etc. in the list.
  • The teachers shall give due consideration to any anomalies, errors, omissions etc. in the list pointed out by any student and may correct the list.
  • Any further processing of the list shall be carried out only after it has been displayed on the Notice Boards for the mandatory period and decisions regarding all matters pointed out by students have been taken.
24. Comprehensive Award list

The Comprehensive Award list shall show, for each student:

  • a) The weighted combination of the Interim Award and End Semester Examination award in percentage format and Letter Grades corresponding to the comprehensive award.
  • b) Sealed Comprehensive Award list will be submitted to the Controller of Examinations by the concerned teacher duly vetted by the Chairman of the Department.
25. Delay in Submission of Results

After passage of 6 working days from the date of scheduled final examination period, Controller of Examinations will submit a report to the Vice Chancellor on the status of submitted results. The Vice Chancellor will decide on the disposal of teachers failing to submit their results within the prescribed time.

26. Conduct of Examination of Type A Courses Under Semester System

Question Papers

  • Question papers for examinations are to be set by the concerned teacher.
  • The question paper prepared by the teacher duly vetted by the concerned Chairman of the department should be submitted in a sealed envelope to the Controller of Examinations by the prescribed date.
  • Question papers are kept in the safe custody of the Controller of Examinations till the start of examination. Reference Material During Tests / Examinations
  • Prior to class tests, mid-semester and end semester examination, the course teacher announces such books, notes or other material that can be referred to by the students during the test or examinations. All other books, notes, papers, etc., are withdrawn from the examinee.
27. Conduct of mid and end Semester Examinations

a) The Controller of Examinations shall prepare duty roster of teachers or staff as Deputy Superintendent and Invigilators for the conduct of examinations. The number of invigilators will be estimated on the basis of one invigilator for every 25 students.

b) The course teacher shall be the Superintendent for the conduct of examination. The Superintendent shall ensure the following:

  • All answer books used in the examination are signed or initialled. The teacher may require the students to answer on the question paper itself. No other answer books are to be used in these cases.
  • Answer books are issued to the invigilators 5 minutes before the commencement of the examination and retrieved at the end of the examination.
  • The absentee report, if any, is prepared and forwarded to the Chairman’s office at the end of each examination.

c) Teachers or Staff acting as invigilators shall ensure the following:

  • Students are identified through means such as University identification card or a valid photo ID.
  • Students are warned against the use of unfair means and have been advised to surrender mobile phones, notes, papers or other unauthorized material before the commencement of the examination.
  • Students are not allowed to talk with or copy from other students during the examination.
  • No student is allowed to join the examination 30 minutes after its commencement.
  • No student is allowed to submit the answer sheet and leave the examination room within 30 minutes of commencement of examination. Visits to toilets are carefully controlled.
  • The question papers and answer books of a student detected using unfair means or assisting another candidate, are taken away and the matter is reported to the Vigilance/Unfair Means Committee. The superintendent records all available evidence to be used as written proof later on.
  • Students write their registration numbers, name and class on the front cover of each additional answer sheet used. If more than one answer book is used, these are stapled together.

d) The course teachers, being the Superintendent(s), shall:

  • Supervise distribution of the question papers to the students according to the schedule published.
  • Be available in the examination center during examination of their course to clarify any query and to collect answer books after the examination. In case of multiple examination centers, they must remain available near the centers.
  • Report any incidence of unfair means or disobedience or rowdy-ism detected in the examination center to the Vigilance/Unfair Means Committee for processing under rules governing use of unfair means during examinations. The report must include collected evidence (if any), written and signed statement by the invigilator detecting the incidence and of the candidate(s) found involved.

e) The Vice Chancellor will constitute Vigilance and Unfair Means committees to overlook the conduct of examinations, report cases of unfair means usage and penalize students according to committee guidelines.

28. Indiscipline in the Examinations

a) Any candidate found guilty of any of the following shall have his/her case submitted to Unfair Means Committee for recommendation of disciplinary action:

  • Removes a leaf from his/her answer book, the answer book shall be cancelled.
  • Submits Forged or fake documents in connection with the examination.
  • Commits impersonation in the examination.
  • Copies from any paper, book or notes.
  • Mutilates the Answer Book.
  • Possesses any kind of material, which may be helpful to his/her in the examination.
  • Refuses to obey the invigilation staff or refuses to follow the instructions issued by the University in connection with the examination.
  • Misbehaves or creates any kind of disturbance in or around the examination center.
  • Uses abusive or obscene language on the answer script.
  • Possesses any kind of weapon in or around examination center.
  • Possesses any kind of electronic device which may be helpful in the examination.

b) His/her case shall result in penalties keeping in view the nature and intensity of offence.

  • Cancellation of paper.
  • Suspension from program for one semester.
  • Heavy and light fine.
  • Expulsion from the University.
  • Any other penalty.
29. Disposal of Answer Scripts

Answer sheets of mid-semester and end-semester examinations will be stored in the Examinations Department for one semester after declaration of result of a semester. The answer sheets would be disposed of subsequently in a suitable manner as decided by the Controller of Examinations.

30. Final Results and Transcripts

The recording of result on final transcript will be according to the following:

  • The transcript will be chronological showing all courses registered in each semester and corresponding grades earned.
  • All “I” grades would be replaced by the grade earned or “F” grade if requirements have not been completed.
  • “IP” grade in a course or sequel of courses would be shown in the semester(s) in which it has been awarded. It will not be counted towards computation of SGPA or CGPA in these semesters.
  • The semester grade awarded in a course, which is a follow up of a course in which “IP” has been awarded in previous semesters, would be counted towards computation of semester GPA and CGPA by considering the total credit hours assigned to the course or a sequel of courses.
  • Elective courses in which the student has earned “F” grades may not be counted towards computation of CGPA if alternate elective courses have been studied in their place. This will not be done automatically. The student must apply to the Controller Examination to avail this facility.
31. Result Declaration by Examination Department

A student would be able to see his course grades on the Examination portal as soon as those have been submitted by the teachers to the Controller of Examinations. The status of these results would be “Provisional”. When all results have been received by the Examinations Department, official results would be declared within one week following due process of scrutiny and verification. The status of these results would change to “Confirmed” after declaration.

32. Makeup Exam Policy

a) Following Makeup Exam policy is to be used at the University in which a student will be provided an opportunity for Makeup Exam in lieu of a missed exam for the following reasons:

  • In case of death of very close blood relative.
  • In case of severe illness or bodily injury, preventing from appearing in the exam.
  • In case of an emergency situation beyond the control of the student, which prevents him / her from appearing in the exam.

b) In all of the above cases, student has to pay the prescribed fee for makeup exam.

c) Important Guidelines for the Makeup Exam Process:

  • In all above mentioned cases the student has to report to the examination office within one week of the conduct of regular exam.
  • The request of a student, will be considered only after the recommendation of the concerned Teacher and HOD, and finally approved by the Dean of the Faculty / Controller of Examination.
  • In case of blood relative's death, the student has to provide Death Certificate along with Makeup Exam application.
  • In case of illness or injury, the student must provide the Medical Certificate duly signed by the Medical Superintendent.
  • In case of illness, if the student himself / herself, is unable to report to the examination office within the given time, then he / she has to arrange the submission of the justification certificate signed by the competent medical authority.
  • After approval, the Makeup Exam will be conducted within one week.
  • No request for Makeup Exam, will be entertained after two weeks of conduct of regular exam.
Medical Certificate

Medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner duly endorsed by the University Medical Officer is acceptable for the examination purposes in the University.

Makeup Exam1000 per course (mid semester exam) 
3000 per course (end semester exam)
Duplicate Transcript IssuanceFirst Time-200 
Second Time-500
Re-checking of Examination300 per course (mid semester exam) 
500 per semester (end semester exam)
Late Course Registration Fee1000 per course
33. Interpretation

If any question arises regarding the interpretation of these regulations the matter shall be deliberated by the academic administration consisting of Head of the Department, Controller of Examinations, Registrar, Deans and Vice Chancellor and their decision thereon shall be final. In all cases where the regulations are silent, the decision of the Vice Chancellor shall be final.

34. Removal of Difficulties

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these Regulations, the Vice Chancellor in individual cases may make such decision, not inconsistent with the spirit of these Regulations, as may appear to necessary for the purpose of removing the difficulty, provided that such a decision is not ultra vires of the Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan Act 2014.

35. Other Special Provisions
  • The University authorities reserve the right to make any changes in the existing regulations, rules, fee structure and courses of study that may be considered necessary at any time without prior notice.
  • No student is allowed to maintain simultaneous enrolment in any other program of studies in the University or any other educational institution within or outside Pakistan, unless permitted by the competent authority as an Exchange Student.
  • In case a student enrolled in this University is found to be a regular student of some other University/institution whether local or foreign, his admission in this University shall be cancelled.
  • Students are required to know the rules and regulations mentioned in the prospectus and notified time to time. Ignorance of rules and regulations does not absolve them of their responsibilities and shall not be accepted as an excuse.
  • The Vice Chancellor has been authorized by the Syndicate, on the recommendations of the Deans, to make amendments in these regulations and remove any difficulties faced during implementations of these regulations.