Rules and Regulations


  • These rules may be called the “Khwaja Fareed University Affiliation Rules-2020.
  • These rules shall come into force at once and apply to the Government and Private Educational Institutions affiliated or likely to be affiliated to the University.


In these rules:-

  • ‘affiliation’ means affiliation with the university;
  • ‘affiliation committee’ means the affiliation committee constituted by the Vice Chancellor, which guides the university regarding affiliation/de-affiliation of institution;
  • ‘Commission’ means Higher Education Commission;
  • ‘inspection committee’ means the inspection committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor executing inspection of the institute;
  • ‘institution’ means the educational institution seeking affiliation with the university;
  • ‘KFUEIT’ means Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology;
  • ‘prescribed’ means prescribed by the university;
  • ‘principal’ means the head of the college or the chief executive of the institution applying for affiliation;
  • Syndicate’ means Syndicate of the University, affiliating university as the case may be;
  • ‘Vice-Chancellor’ means Vice Chancellor of the University;
  • ‘University’ means the KFUEIT;


  • University should have provision in its Act to affiliate the College / Institute.
  • The Universities may not grant affiliation to any institution in other provinces. However in case of the Federal territory the University may obtain permission of the HEC before granting affiliation.
  • The ownership of the institution seeking affiliation shall vest in a body corporate and not in individual(s) or family. It shall be registered under the relevant laws of companies ordinance/societies registration act/trust act as a foundation/society/trust. This shall not be required in case the institution is in the public sector;
  • The Institute / College seeking affiliation with public sector institution shall register itself with the Provincial Government or the HEC in case of Federal territory, if applicable.
  • Grant affiliation on subject basis. Such new subject to be offered will require University approval.
  • A copy of the registration deed along with a memorandum of association will be supplied to affiliating Institution to examine the objectives and credentials of the members. A brief profile of each member of management should also be provided.


  • An institution applying for affiliation with a university shall make an application to the Registrar of the university on prescribed form (Annex-I) at least 6 months prior to the date from which affiliation is sought. There shall be an application processing fee at such rates as may be prescribed by university.
  • The Institute seeking affiliation shall satisfy the affiliating University with regard to objectives of the Institute and credentials of the members of the corporate body.
  • The Institute shall only offer those programmes which are offered by the affiliating University.
  • The C.V’s of faculty shall be provided along with application for affiliation.
  • The procedure to be followed in disposing of an application for the affiliation of an institution shall be such as may be prescribed by the affiliating university. The Vice Chancellor will be the Competent Authority, on the recommendation of the Affiliation Committee, grant or refuse affiliation to an educational institution.


The provisions for affiliation of institution shall be governed by the following terms & conditions:

  • That the institution is to be under the management of a regularly constituted governing body;
  • That the institution must be suitable from academic point of view. Sustainable physical viability, availability of water, electricity, fuel gas, telephones and internet must be ensured;
  • That the Institution must implement the HEC Quality Criteria at affiliated institution;
  • That the institution must be easily accessible to students and general public at large;
  • The Institution must be located on a minimum of 0.5 acre (4 kanals) land with required physical infrastructure;
  • That the institution has framed proper rules regarding the efficiency and discipline of its staff and other employees;
  • That provision has been made for well stocked library and well-equipped laboratory facilities and other practical work where affiliation is sought in any branch of experimental science. Where affiliation is sought in IT fields due arrangements have been made for imparting instructions in a well-equipped IT laboratory having internet connectivity, which can cater to the course needs of students and teachers;
  • That the library shall have at least 50 books per subject as reference books and at least 200 books per subject for supplementary reading. The institution should spend at least Rs. 50,000/- per annum for updating the library by adding new editions and titles. The institution should subscribe 10 daily newspapers and 5 weekly periodicals;
  • That the library shall have seating facility for minimum of 10% of the total number of students for that shift;
  • That institution shall have internet connectivity with appropriate number of computers depending upon the student’s population and the subjects offered;
  • That at least 10% of students be granted fee exemptions and scholarships on need basis;
  • That permission granted shall be restricted to a specified place and for a particular subject. No sub-campus or branch shall be established or franchised;
  • That the strength and qualifications of teaching and other staff and the terms and conditions of their service are adequate;
  • That the courses of study and syllabi taught in institution should be same as being followed by the university;
  • That all examinations leading to award of degrees/diplomas/certificates and their checking and evaluation shall be done by the university;
  • That the institution shall not admit students for any degree/discipline except those to be awarded by the university under its seal;
  • That the institution shall be governed by the statutes, regulations, rules framed by the university from time to time regarding; general scheme of studies; duration of courses; the medium of instruction and examination ; detailed syllabi for examination held by university; the conditions under which students shall be admitted to the examination of university etc. ;
  • That in drawing up the organizational structure of the institutions, the standard and quality of teaching and efficiency of the system must be ensured;
  • The strength and qualifications of the teaching and other staff, and the terms and conditions of their service, are appropriate enough to provide for courses of instruction, teaching and training work to be taken;
  • That the institution shall have at least 25% of the faculty with MS/M.Phil degrees;
  • That the institutions must possess 50% of its teaching faculty employed on permanent basis with minimum prescribed qualifications as Master’s degree/Bachelor (Honors) from an accredited/chartered university in relevant subjects;
  • The work load of the faculty should not exceed the limits prescribed by the government/affiliating universities for affiliated institution in public sector; and
  • That the sponsors will provide career counseling and job search services to students.


  • That subject to the satisfaction of university, the institution is financially stable and has the ability to sustain a regular functioning and efficient working?
  • That the institution shall furnish such reports, returns and other information as the university may require, to enable it to judge the financial sustainability and soundness of the sponsors;
  • That the sponsors shall, prior to enrolling students establish an endowment fund of Rupees one million preferably, whose interests be utilized for refurbishing the laboratories and libraries and for provision of gadgets aimed at enhancing the quality of education; (optional).
  • That working capital of at least Rs. 2.0 million lies with the institution for smooth functioning of the affairs of institution;
  • That tangible asset in form of land, building etc. not less than Rs. 5.0 million are in existence on ground
  • That above financial arrangements need to be supported by documentary evidence


  • That the institution shall be required to strictly comply with and respect the constitutional provisions, local laws, cultural and religious sensitivities;
  • That the institution must restrict to teaching, training and co-curricular activities. Political or other activities detrimental to national, religious, social or local culture shall not be undertaken.


  • That the sponsors shall promote the extra-curricular and recreational activities of students, and to make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare;
  • That institution shall ensure to provide co-curricular activities like debating contest, declamation contest, Quran Khawani, Naat Khawani, holding of Musharahas, camp fire, boy scouts, girls guides activities etc. Excursions to places of historical importance and student’s visits to factories, stock exchanges, chambers of commerce & industries and other educational trips etc. shall also be arranged for augmenting the development of students;
  • That indoor and outdoor facility for games should be ensured to provide healthy out lets to the youngsters for imbibing the sense of competition and tolerance. The students should be encouraged to participate in one/two of the games. If possible, the facilities of gymnasium should also be made available;
  • The practice of providing necessary health care to the students has gradually dwindled and dispensed with in most of the institutions. Since, the students work in groups and have to spend most of the time together the chances of catching the contagious/infectious diseases are greater than in any other gathering. That’s why, it is advisable that quarterly medical checkup should be ensured and students be advised for health problems.


  • That the institution shall furnish such reports, returns and other information as the university may require, enabling it to judge efficiency and effectiveness of the institution;
  • That monitoring and visitation of institution will be carried out by an Inspection Committee to be appointed by Vice Chancellor, when there exists substantial evidence on any aspect of the institutional inefficiency or malfunctioning;
  • That the university may call upon any institution to take such action as it may deem necessary in respect of any of the matter specified under law from time to time;
  • That the institution will abide by the laws of Commission and university with regard to affiliation of institutions framed from time to time;
  • That the university shall have full powers to take any action, it may consider appropriate including de-affiliation of an institution, if it is found indulging in any subversive or unlawful activity, or against provisions of laws. However, in doing so the placement of students pursuing different academic courses will be the responsibility of institution and
  • university;
  • That the institution shall be liable to provide facilities to the representatives of Commission and university for visitation to enable them to verify that the institution is maintaining appropriate academic standards;
  • That the institution shall furnish an annual statement of accounts to university with details of fees, donations and other income received and expenditure incurred duly audited within two months of the close of every financial year;
  • An inspection of institution shall be held once a year by the Inspection Committee constituted by Vice Chancellor.


  • The institution shall be located in a spacious, separate and independent building conducive for academic activities, situated on plot of at least half acre (04 kanals), depending on the location having potential for further development, without any other institution sharing the premises;
  • That sufficient space in shape of classrooms, common room, library, laboratories and common room for girls is available with appropriate size not less than 16’ X 32’ sq. ft. for each section of a class;
  • That size of laboratory in case of Basic / Natural and Applied Science subjects should be at least 20’ X 40’ sq. ft.;
  • That institution shall have an auditorium, 2 class rooms, students’ common room (in case of girls students) and staff room;
  • That institution shall have adequate canteen, toilets, a dispensary and facility for indoor and outdoor games;
  • The desirable space standards for institution are laid down in form (Annex –II)


In order to physically verify the detailed academic and physical infrastructure available with the institution, the inspection committee may like to conduct a detailed survey of the institution before grant of affiliation. The affiliation, however, will be granted subject- wise.


  • All arrangements of affiliation between institution and university should be agreed upon and formally written down as approved legal agreement and signed by senior authorized representatives. Detailed arrangements for partnership should be set out clearly in the agreement and memorandum of understanding;
  • The agreement should take into account the scope of the arrangements, responsibilities, financial arrangements, quality control mechanism, mode and means of payment, validity period, procedure for resolution of differences and termination of agreement etc. ;
  • The agreement should clearly spell out the provisions for quality control mechanism including monitoring, assessment procedures and review and visitation;
  • The validity period of the agreements should be clearly agreed upon by the parties. Any provision or extension should specify the requirements for review;
  • Termination of affiliation should safeguard the interests of the students and should be duly notified to the general public and Commission


  • If an institution fails to observe any of conditions of its affiliation, or its affairs are conducted in a manner which is prejudicial to the interest of education or the university, the rights conferred as a result of affiliation may, on an inquiry made by the Affiliation Committee, and after giving an opportunity of hearing to the Principal of the institution and with the approval of Vice Chancellor, be withdrawn. However, the Vice-Chancellor may, on a report of the Affiliation Committee, and after considering such representation as the institution may wish to make, restore to it such rights either in whole or in parts. The procedure to be followed for the withdrawal of affiliation shall be on case to case basis.
  • The appeal against refusal or withdrawal of affiliation shall lie to the Vice-Chancellor refusing to affiliate an educational institution or withdrawing the rights conferred on such institution by affiliation or against modification of such rights. University may not dis-affiliate current students. Must give notice and stop future admission.


  • The institution shall be required to pay an annual affiliation fee, at such rates as may be prescribed, to cover the cost of services provided by the university; as described in the Table below:
  • The university and institution will share the gross fees received from students, in the proportions to be determined by the Vice Chancellor from time to time


Sr. No.ParticularsFor Private Colleges / InstitutionsFor Govt. Colleges / Institutions
1Application Processing Fee (Non-refundable)Rs.50,000Rs.25,000
2Security Fee (Refundable) once per collegeRs.300,000Rs.100,000
3Affiliation Fee for 1st time and renewal fee per annum (Within Division)Rs.50,000Rs.30,000
4Affiliation Fee for 1st time and renewal fee per annum (Outside Division)Rs.80,000Rs.50,000
5Inspection Committee Visit Charges/visit (Within Division)Rs.25,000Rs.15,000
6Inspection Committee Visit Charges/visit (Outside Division)Rs.50,000Rs.30,000
7Registration fee per student at the time of admission onlyRs.5,000Rs.2,000
8Examination Fee per Student/SemesterRs.5,000Rs.4,000
9Sports Fee/ Student per yearRs.200Rs.200
10Semester Fee / Tuition Fees Per StudentRs.3,000Rs.1500
11Thesis / Project Evaluation Fee ( If Applicable )Rs.6,000Rs.6,000
12IT Services Charges per Year per StudentRs.500Rs.250
Note: All kinds of fees are liable for fines in case of late submission. After the due date @ 10% within 15 days. @20% within 30 days. It will be applicable from Spring 2024.


  • There shall be a committee constituted by Vice Chancellor of at least five members including one Subject Expert:
  • The minimum quorum of the meeting shall be three members.


The functions of the Affiliation Committee shall be:

  • To advise Vice Chancellor regarding affiliation of an institution;
  • To monitor the academic performance of the institutions;
  • To inquire into complaints alleging breach of conditions of affiliation by institutions and to advise the Vice Chancellor thereon;
  • To recommend to the Vice Chancellor the suspension or withdrawal of privileges of the university to an institution;
  • To perform such other functions as may be assigned from time to time


There shall be an Inspection committee constituted by the Vice Chancellor, comprising of odd members to execute the preliminary examination of the institution whether it fulfills the basic requirements to be used as an educational institution to cater the literary needs of the society, supplementing quality education and fulfilling the terms and conditions of affiliation rules and formal agreement. The Committee will also inspect the institution seeking affiliation with University prior to formal agreement of affiliation and to submit its report to Vice Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor will grant affiliation / refuse affiliation on the advice of Inspection Committee or disaffiliate the institution on the recommendation of the inspection committee if the institution violate the affiliation policies and rules.


The university all will consider application for affiliation from institutions offering programmes similar to those offered by the university. The quality assurance system governing university and the institution must be designed to meet the following conditions:

  • It is rigorous enough to offer the security about the standard and quality of the programs being provided.
  • It provides frequent and reliable two way communication between the institution and the university.
  • It is effectively managed both academically and administratively.

In practice, the nature of the university relationship with each institution may be different, because of the previous experience of staff, the profile of the portfolio of programsto be offered, the resources available, and geographical location.

  • The university should take an institutional view of the context within which higher education programs are to be provided. It should set up a team to visit the institution to review the facilities available for higher education students and to discuss with staff of the institutions and their counterparts in the university involved in managing the proposed affiliation provision a range of matters including:
    • Communications, and particularly the lines of academic accountability from the institutions programs to the university.
    • Arrangements for the academic and administrative management of the programs to be offered.
    • Learning resources: provision on site, and arrangements for access to the University’s collections
    • Staffing strategy: procedures for the identification and appointment of staff to teach, plans for staff development and scholarly activities, and arrangements for staff management and deployment.
    • The provision of information to students in publicity material, handbooks etc, and related matters such as appeals and complaints procedures.
    • Student Services
    • Relationships with academic service providers of the university, the Admissions Department and the relevant Faculty Office(s), to secure the integrity of the admissions and, particularly, the
    • assessment processes:
  • The university may prefer arrangements in institutions which bring all their higher education provision together in one policy making forum, constituted to be able to make and secure the implementation of academic judgments on the affiliated higher education progrmmes being offered:
  • The university should make arrangements to monitor periodically the effectiveness of the relationship with its affiliated institutions.


An affiliated institution should possess the following characteristics. It should be able to provide
evidence that:

  • Its policies for academic planning, quality assurance and resource allocation are coherent and relate to its mission aims and objectives.
  • Its systems of governance and management embody clear functions and lines of accountability and responsibility.
  • It has demonstrable depth and strength of academic leadership
  • Its missions, policies and systems are developed, implemented, communicated and reviewed through consultation with stakeholders.
  • It is able to demonstrate continued confidence and stability over an extended period of time in its governance, financial control, quality assurance arrangements and organizational structure.
  • Its programs are established and maintained at the appropriate academic standards, as confirmed by academic peers from other higher education institutions and, where appropriate, from professional and statutory bodies.
  • Its programmes are regularly self-assessed through annual monitoring and periodic review to ensure that they consistently meet stated objectives and outcomes, and that their subject matter and pedagogical methods are kept up to date.
  • Its procedures specify the body responsible for approving amendments to approved programmes.
  • Its academic authority is vested in the academic council or equivalent, and the responsibilities of the bodies established within the academic committee structure are clearly differentiated, with their powers of decision, discretion and action carefully described.
  • It defines monitors and maintains academic standards through its assessment criteria and practices, which in turn are related to declare learning objectives and learning outcomes.
  • It monitors the effectiveness of its learning and teaching infrastructure, ensuring that teaching is consistent with stated objectives and learning outcomes, and that resources for learning are adequate to facilitate students learning to the standard required.
  • Its admissions, student induction and student counseling arrangements support its academic aims.
  • It engages external peers in the assessment of its students.
  • It monitors the reliability and validity of its assessment practices, and the outcomes of its monitoring inform programme planning decisions.
  • It manages its assessment procedures expeditiously, and keeps its examiners and students informed at the earliest opportunity.
  • It gives students constructive formative feedback on their assessed work.
  • It is able to monitor student progression and performance, and provide timely and accurate information to satisfy academic and non-academic information needs.
  • Its staff is well qualified, with a significant proportion having higher degrees, relevant professional qualifications and experience, experience of teaching elsewhere in higher education, and experience to curriculum and assessment design.
  • Its staff is actively engaged with the pedagogic development of their discipline, through subject associations and relevant professional bodies, institutional staff development opportunities, and teaching development activities.
  • Its staff are acknowledged by external academic and professional peers as having academic expertise, as demonstrated through research and scholarly activity, consultancy, external funding for academic development initiatives, and contributions to professional journals.
  • Its staff maintains the high professional standards associated with higher education, as demonstrated by the formal consideration of feedback from students and other stakeholders, including reports from professional bodies.