BookSpot.com is a free resource center that simplifies the search for the best book-related content on the Web. Featured sites are hand-selected by BookSpot.com editors and organized into intuitive categories, such as bestseller lists, genres, book reviews, electronic texts, book news and more.

Current Affairs (CW)(WAN)
Free anthologies of articles and essays in psychology, economics, international affairs, philosophy, and other topics. As well as short fiction, poetry, and thriller excerpts

English Dictonary (CW) (WAN)
English Dictionary is the principal historical dictionary of English language, traces the historical development of the English language, providing a comprehensive resource to scholars and academic researchers, as well as describing usage in its many variations throughout the world.

Elibron (CW) (WAN)
Elibron is largest selection of important literary, scientific, artistic and musical works ever created, and make them available to our customers in a number of different formats. After having published thousands of titles over the years we started to offer some of our collection as free downloads.

Math World (CW) (WAN)
Math World is an online mathematics reference work, created and largely written by Eric W. Weinstein. It is sponsored by and licensed to Wolfram Research, Inc. and was partially funded by the National Science Foundation's National Science Digital Library grant to the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

Online Medical Dictionary (CW) (WAN)
This free online medical dictionary search engine to research and learn about medical terminology, pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, health conditions, medical devices, medical abbreviations and more. You can browse the medical terminology glossary or search medical terms. This medical dictionary displays information that may be available from any of the more than 40,000 publicly available dictionaries, encyclopedias, research articles and books.

Medical Encyclopedia (CW) (WAN)
A medical encyclopedia is a comprehensive written compendium that holds information about diseases, medical conditions, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. It may contain an extensive gallery of medicine-related photographs and illustrations.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Bookshelf (CW) (WAN)
Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.

Read Assist (CW) (WAN)
Reading Assist Institute (RAI) is dedicated to children with significant reading challenges, teaching them the foundational skills of reading and empowering them to succeed academically. We help struggling readers learn the basic mechanics of reading, and train tutors, parents and teachers in an evidence-based, multisensory, structured approach to literacy education.

The Virtual Technical Reports Center (CW) (WAN)
A technical report (also scientific report) is a document that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. It might also include recommendations and conclusions of the research. Unlike other scientific literature, such as scientific journals and the proceedings of some academic conferences, technical reports rarely undergo comprehensive independent peer review before publication. They may be considered as grey literature. Where there is a review process, it is often limited to within the originating organization. Similarly, there are no formal publishing procedures for such reports, except where established locally.

U.S. Rightwing Christian Fundamentalism (CW) (WAN)
Thousands of people look for free books online every day and many come to Freebooks.com to browse our ever-growing collection of free eBooks and textbooks across a wide variety of genres. FreeBooks.com is committed to helping users find the best free eBooks available online. If we don't have the book you are looking please contact us and we will be happy to try to find it for you or point you in the right direction to find what you are looking for. Here you find downloadable e-books and textbooks in popular genres and topics such as Christian books, audio books, horror, romance and many more.

RLROUSE Directory & Essential Information Resources (CW) (WAN)
RLROUSE Directory & Essential Information Resources is a Christian owned and operated organization. Our business is founded upon Christian principles: Fairness, honesty, integrity, and respect. Respect for our neighbours, friends, customers, and competitors. We strive to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

William Blake Archive (CW) (WAN)
The William Blake Archive is a digital humanities project first created in 1996. The project is sponsored by the Library of Congress and supported by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Inspired by the Rossetti Archive, the archive provides digital reproductions of the various works of William Blake, a prominent Romantic-period poet, artist, and engraver, alongside annotation, commentary and scholarly materials related to Blake.

Free Books for Doctors (CW) (WAN)
Free Medical Books - Over the next years, many textbooks will be available online, free and in full-text. The unrestricted access to scientific knowledge will have a major impact on medical practice.

Online Books Page (CW) (WAN)
The Online Books Page is an index of e-text books available on the Internet. It is edited by John Mark Ockerbloom and is hosted by the library of the University of Pennsylvania. The Online Books Page lists over 2 million books and has several features, such as A Celebration of Women Writers and Banned Books Online.