On the 13th of May 2022, a meeting was organized by the Civil Engineering Department between themain cabinet of the ACI KFUEIT Student Chapter & the respected Faculty members. The Head of the Civilengineering Department Dr. Naveed Anjum chaired the meeting in the presence of Engr. Majid Hussain(Assistant Professor, CED, KFUEIT) and Engr. Dildar Ali (Lab Engineer).In this meeting, the calendar activities/events of the ACI KFUEIT Student Chapter were discussed indetail and the respected faculty advisor was briefed about the ongoing progress.The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a non-profit technical society and standards developingorganization. The student chapters are like conduits for bridging the gap between ACI and its studentmembers. An ACI Student Membership would help to provide a wide range of opportunities for learningand networking to enhance the development of one’s profession.