A research center is a facility for advanced interdisciplinary research, and to provide broad support for research activities to solve problems. Fareed Computing Research Center (FCRC) in Department of Computer Science & IT at Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology is created for the purpose of promoting research activities with the collaboration of industry and academia.
- Facilitate students, faculty and researchers to conduct internationally high-level research
- Discover new phenomena and create new technologies to solve industrial problems
- To globalize research and education
Research Groups
1- Networks & Communication Research Group
Since the technology of networking is likely to be a major growth area in the coming years, therefore department has decided to establish a research group namely “Networks & Communication Research Group” (NCRG) under the umbrella of Fareed Computing Research Center in Department of Computer Science at Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology. The research group will address and investigate a broad set of issues relating to network protocols, network architecture, network applications, network measurements and performance analysis.
The Networks & Communication Research Groups (NCRG) aims to:
- Performs academic research with high-impact on industry./li>
- Provides an environment for students, faculty and researchers to investigate the problems and provide appropriate solutions.
- Provide seminars and training courses by researchers or invited experts for our students to develop their skills and knowledge.
- Promote global research collaboration model which connects local researchers with international experts.
Research Interest/Research Areas
- Intelligent Transport Systems
- Network Traffic Optimization
- Network Performance Measurement
- Protocol development (Security, Routing, Cryptography, etc.)
- Wireless Sensor Networks / Internet of Things / Ad-hoc Networks
Research Group Leader, Specialization in Network Conjunction Control
Focal Person, Specialization in Web Semantic
- Dr. Saleemullah
- Dr. Madiha Amjad
2- Computer Vision Research Group
Computer Vision Group at Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology(KFUEIT) has been established to cater the industrial needs of the region and as well as the socio economic needs of the country. The group mainly focuses on computer vision applications for mobile devices, robotics and automotive platforms. We are also interested in all aspects of image understanding and visual object recognition in images and video
The Computer Vision Research Groups (CVRG) aims to develop and investigate intelligent methods and algorithms that perform important visual perception tasks such as human motion recognition, scene categorization, integrative scene understanding, material recognition, object recognition etc.
Research Interest/Research Areas
- Pattern Recognition
- Medical Image Analysis
- Feature Extraction
- Human Computer Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
Research Group Leader, Specialization in Video Mining
Focal Person, Specialization in Medical Image Processing
- Dr. Muhammad Abubakar Siddique
- Ms. Bushra Mughal
3- Data Science & Machine Learning Research Group
Data Science Lab at Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology (KFUEIT) is an interdisciplinary research lab that focuses on large scale data mining, data management and data analysis using appropriate scientific algorithms and implementations of useful knowledge or insights from data. The goal of Data Science lab is to build systems and algorithms to find patterns, generate insights, extract knowledge, and predictions from diverse data for various applications and visualization.
The Data Science Research Groups (DSRG) aims to:
- Advance state of the art in Data Science and develop new technologies.
- Encourage the transfer of technology from scientific realm to industry and government.
- Provide industry and the government with an access to advanced computing resources and expertise.
- Increase the number of highly skilled data scientists to satisfy the needs of job market nationally and internationally by supporting undergraduate and graduate programs.
Research Interest/Research Areas
- Speech and Audio Signal Processing
- Data Mining
- Artificial Intelligence
- Supervised/Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Cloud Storage and Cloud Computing
- Parallel and Stream Data Processing
- Semantic Web
- Natural Language Processing
- Big Data Analytics
- Dr. Hafeez ur Rehman
Research Group Leader, Specialization in Data Mining
- Mr. Muhammad Rizwan
Focal Person, Specialization in Data Science