Arslan Hassan
MS (Electrical Engineering) Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan
I belong to Liaqatpur from the district of Rahim YarKhan. I did my Intermediate from Govt. T.T. Degree College Khanpur. I did myBachelor of Engineering degree in Telecommunications from Hamdard UniversityKarachi in 2012. After that, I did a Master of Science in ElectricalEngineering from the Institute of Space Technology Islamabad in 2016. During my master’s degree, I worked as aTeaching/Research Assistant for a semester at the Institute of Space TechnologyIslamabad and a Trainee Engineer at Mobilink Islamabad. I joined Khwaja FareedUEIT as a Lecturer on February 28, 2017, which is an outstanding experience forme to date.
Arslan Hassan, Abdul Haseeb, “Rate-Distortion modeling of scalable video sequences with different complexities” in IEEE International Conference on Innovative Research & Development (ICIRD), Thailand 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ICIRD.2018.8376294 |
My research interests are image and video processing in communication systems, wireless communications, multimedia communications, the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded systems, machine learning, data analytics, and biomedical instruments.
Merit Scholar in BE Telecommunications
Merit Scholar in MS Electrical Engineering
Highest Number of Funded Undergraduate Final Year Design Projects in KFUEIT
▪ Development of Smart Wheelchair using IoT. 3 Lacs funded by Silicon Valley USA, General Electric, and DICE Foundation, and 2 Lacs awarded by Chamber of Commerce Rahim Yar Khan ▪ Development of IoT-Based Domestic Metering Device funded by IGNITE-National Technology Fund Pakistan ▪ Design of Smart and Secure Docking Station for Electric Bike funded by IGNITE-National Technology Fund Pakistan ▪ Solar-based TDS control of water through electrolysis funded by IGNITE-National Technology Fund Pakistan
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)