Faculty Profile

Engr. Dr. Shahid Atiq
Associate Professor (HOD)
PhD (Hanyang University Korea) Hanyang University Korea
Research Interests

  • Electrical Machines Design Drive and Control
  • Power Systems


Dr. Shahid Atiq is currently working as an associate professor in Electrical Engineering Department at Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology. He received hi PhD degree from Hanyang University South Korea and his Masters and Bachelor’s degrees from University of Engineering & Technology Taxila, Pakistan.

Dr. Shahid Atiq has served in academia as well as industry in various capacities. He has served National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) in R&D department. He has also worked in The University of wah, The Univeristy of Faisalabad and The Islamia University of Bahawalpur where he held various academic and managerial posts.

Dr. Shahid Atiq had been involved in various research activities during his PhD studies including various projects for the state of the art Korean research industry. His main contributions are towards electrical machines design drive and control specially for traction applications.  

Awards and Honors

  • Fully Funded scholarship from HEC for PhD studies
  • BK21 plus research grant from Korean government for research projects during PhD studies


  • A. Hussain, S. Atiq, B. i. Kwon, “Consequent-Pole Hybrid Brushless Wound-Rotor Synchronous Machine” in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
  • A. Hussain, S. Atiq, B. i. Kwon, “Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of Wound Rotor Synchronous Machine using Sub-Harmonic Excitation for Brushless Operation  Energies, vol. 11, no.3, March 2018
  • S. Atiq, B. I. Kwon, “Susceptibility of the winding switching technique for flux weakening to harmonics and the choice of a suitable drive topology” in International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 85, pp. 22-31 February 2017                   
  • S. Atiq, A. Hussain,  B. i. Kwon, “A Novel Concept of Phase Swapping for Multiple Enhanced Speed Operations of a PM machine using Winding Switching” in Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.12 No.1,  pp. 262-271, 2017 
  • S. Atiq, T. A. Lipo, B. i. Kwon, "Wide Speed Range Operation of Non-Salient PM Machines," in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1179-1191, Sept. 2016
  • S. Atiq, T. A. Lipo, B. i. Kwon, "Experimental verification of winding switching technique to enhance maximum speed operation of surface mounted permanent magnet machines," in IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 294-303, 2016             
  • S. Khaliq, S. Atiq, T. A. Lipo, B. i. Kwon, "Rotor Pole Optimization of Novel Axial-Flux Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine for Torque Enhancement," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1-4, July 2016                 
  • Q. Ali, S. Atiq, T. A. Lipo, B.i. Kwon, “PM Assisted, Brushless Wound Rotor Synchronous Machine” in Journal of Magnetics vol.21, iss.3, pp. 399-404, 2016       
  • S. S. H. Bukhari, M. Ayub, S. Atiq, B. i. Kwon, “A Three-Phase Off-Line UPS System for Transformer Coupled Loads” IEICE Electronic Express, vol. 14, No. 20, 2017
  • S. S. H. Bukhari, S. Atiq; B. i. Kwon, "A Sag Compensator that Eliminates the Possibility of Inrush Current While Powering Transformer-Coupled Loads," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics , vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 891-900, June 2017           
  • S.S.H. Bukhari, S. Atiq, T.A. Lipo, B.i. Kwon,  “Asymmetrical Fault Correction for the Sensitive Loads Using a Current Regulated Voltage Source Inverter”. Energies 2016, 9, 196
  • S.S.H. Bukhari, S. Atiq, T.A. Lipo, B.i. Kwon, “Elimination of the Inrush Current Phenomenon Associated with Single-Phase Offline UPS Systems” in Energies 2016, 9, 96            
  • S.S.H. Bukhari, S. Atiq, T.A. Lipo, B.i. Kwon, “A Cost-Effective, Single-Phase Line-Interactive UPS system that Eliminates Inrush Current Phenomenon for Transformer-Coupled Loads” in Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 3, pp 675-682, 2016             
  • S.S.H. Bukhari, S. Atiq, T.A. Lipo, B.i. Kwon "Line-Interactive UPS System that Eliminates the Inrush Current Phenomenon,” in Electric Power Components and Systems 44(11):1203-1214 · May 2016        
  • Atiq, S.; Lipo, T.A.; Kwon, Byung-il, "Novel field weakening technique for Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet machine using Current Regulated Voltage Source Inverters," Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2014 International Symposium on, Ischia, 2014, pp. 836-841.
  • S. S. H. Bukhari,Atiq,S. and Kwon, Byung-il, "An inrush current elimination technique for a voltage sag compensator while powering transformer-coupled loads," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE, Montreal, QC, 2015, pp. 2710-2714.
  • Hussain, A.; Atiq, S.; Kwon, Byung-il,”Flux Weakening of PM Motors with Concentrated Windings using Winding Switching” KIEE Summer Conference 2016
  • Atiq, S.; Lipo, T.A.; Kwon, Byung-il, "Wide speed range operation of PM machines using windings switching utilizing phase swapping” KIEE Autumn Conference 2015
  • Luo, Y.; Atiq, S.; Lipo, T.A.; Kwon, Byung-il” Current Control of a Three-leg Voltage Source Inverter for Two Phase AC Motor” KIEE Summer Conference 2015
  • Atiq, S.; Lipo, T.A.; Kwon, Byung-il, “Open winding PMSM modeling and its operation strategy for winding switching” KIEE Spring Conference 2015
  • Bukhari, S.S.H.;Atiq, S.; Lipo, T.A.; Kwon, Byung-il, "Experimental Verification of an Inrush Current Elimination Technique for Line-Interactive UPS Systems," KIEE Autumn Conference 2014.
  • Ali, Q. ; Atiq, S. ; Lipo, T.A.; Kwon, Byung-il, “Design and Analysis of a Novel Brushless Wound Rotor Synchronous Motor” KIEE Spring Conference 2014
  • Atiq, S.; Lipo, T.A.;  Kwon, Byung-il,”Analysis of Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Machine for Flux Weakening Control using Winding Switching” KIEE Autumn Conference 2013
  • Atiq, S.; Lipo, T.A.; Kwon, Byung-il, "Flux Weakening Control of PM Machines with Winding Switching and Thyristor Phase Back Control” KIEE Spring Conference 2013
  • Atiq, S.; Kwon, Byung-il, “Effects of Combined Mode of Operation on Normal Operation of BLDC Motor” KIEE Autumn Conference 2012


  • Pakistan Engineering Council
  • Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering