Faculty Profile

Engr. Muhammad Kamran

  • Mr. Muhammad Kamran received BS in computer engineering from GIKI (Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology), one of the most prestigious institute of Pakistan. He received MS in computer system engineering from GIKI. He also worked as Graduate Assistant while doing MS at GIKI. He joined KFUEIT (Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology) as Lecturer in June 2017.

Graph Theory, Data Mining & Machine Learning, Evolutionary Algorithms

  • Member of Machine Intelligence Research Group (MInG-GIKI)



  • Member of Advanced Image Processing Research Lab (AIPRL) at KFUEIT.


  • Member of University-wide OBE committee at KFUEIT.
  • Director Labs at the Department of Computer Engineering (CPED) KFUEIT.
  • Organizer at Tech Hub KFUEIT
  • Member of Students Society Council at KFUEIT.
  • Coordinator student affairs at CPED KFUEIT.