Faculty Profile

Dr. Mutiullah
PhD Computer Science The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan

I have been actively involved in higher education since 2007, starting my teaching career at Millat College, Bahawalpur. Over the years, I have held various academic and administrative roles at esteemed institutions, including Islamia University Bahawalpur, Government College University Faisalabad (Layyah Campus), and Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology (KFUEIT), Rahim Yar Khan. Currently, I am serving as a Lecturer in the Computer Science Department at KFUEIT.

My academic journey began with a Bachelor's in Computer Science from Islamia University Bahawalpur (2008), followed by an MS in Computer Science from the same institution (2013). I initially enrolled in a PhD program at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, where I completed my coursework and comprehensive exam. Later, I migrated to KFUEIT and completed my research and degree in Computer Science in 2024. My doctoral research focused on advanced machine learning and image processing techniques, contributing significantly to fields such as remote sensing, land cover classification, and agricultural data analysis.

Throughout my career, I have authored numerous research papers, supervised MPhil and MS students, and actively contributed to various research projects. My work spans diverse areas such as machine vision, optical character recognition, remote sensing, and hyperspectral data analysis. Additionally, I have served as an external examiner for graduate programs and contributed to curriculum development.

My research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and remote sensing applications. I am passionate about leveraging these technologies to address real-world challenges and advancing knowledge in the field of computer science.

A. Nadeem, A.H. Wajid, M.U. Jamil, M. Nasir, Z. Dilbar, M. Arshad, & A. Waheed (2024). “Sentiment Analysis of US Airline Companies Twitter Data Using Hybrid Classifier.” Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics. (IF = 2.5)

M.N. Saeed, M. Jamil, Z. Iqbal, R. Tariq, M. Kanwal, A. Ejaz, & S.A. Nawaz (2023). “Empirical Analysis of Quaternary and Binary Search.” Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics. (IF = 2.5)

M. Jamil, A. Qureshi, M. Waleed, A. Ejaz, A.H. Wajid, & A.U. Rehman (2023). “A Comparative Study: Mental Patient Disorder Classification Using Text Mining.” Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics. (IF = 2.5)

M. Jamil, Z. Ahsan, M.N. Saeed, A. Raza, H. Migdady, M.S. Daoud, & M. Altalhi (2024). “Wheat Crop Genotype and Age Prediction Using Machine Learning with Multispectral Radiometer Sensor Data.” Agronomy Journal. (IF = 5.6)

M. Jamil, H. Rehman, M.S. Zaheer, A. Tariq, R. Iqbal, & M.U. Hasnain (2024). “The Use of Multispectral Radio-Meter (MSR5) Data for Wheat Crop Genotypes Identification Using Machine Learning Models.” Scientific Reports, 13(1): 19867. (IF = 4.9)

S. Daud, M. Ullah, A. Rehman, T. Saba, R. Damaševičius, & A. Sattar (2023). “Topic Classification of Online News Articles Using Optimized Machine Learning Models.” Computers, 12(1): 16. (IF = 3.0)

M.U. Rehman, M. Waseem, A. Sattar, & M. Ullah (2023). “Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Low-Dimensional and High-Dimensional Data: A Critical Study.” Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(4): 42-49. (IF = 1.2)

S.U. M. Jamil, M.U. Rehman, & S. Hafeez (2023). “Smart Techniques for LULC Micro Class Classification Using Landsat8 Imagery.” CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 74(3): 5545-5557. (IF = 4.0)

M. Almutairi, M. Jamil, K. Munir, & A. Waheed (2022). “Human-Computer Interaction Consideration for Education Information System: Teaching the Concept of DLD.” IJCSNS, 22(1): 491. (IF = 0.5)

S.A.H. Mubarak Almutairi, M. Ullah, & K. Munir (2022). “Implementation of ML Algorithm for Mung Bean Classification Using Smart Phone.” International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 21(11): 89-93. (IF = 0.6)

H.S. Laiqa Sajjad, M. Jamil, & S. Sajjad (2022). “Cryptocurrency as a Mode of Financial Motivation in Pakistan.” Information Management and Computer Science, 1(1): 10-14.

M.A. Siddique, M. Jamil, S.A. Fatima, & S. Aziz (2022). “Morphological Segmentation Classification and Extraction of Brain Tumor Using Adaptive Watershed Algorithm.” Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(2): 219-230.

M.K. Akram, M.A. Siddique, M. Jamil, M.A. Javaid, & A. Haider (2022). “YouTube Video Recommendation Based Multi-Lingual Feedback.” Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(2): 209-212.

M. Shahid, A. Ahmed, M.F. Mushtaq, S. Ullah, M. Ullah, & U. Akram (2022). “Automatic Patents Classification Using Supervised Machine Learning.” Recent Advances on Soft Computing and Data Mining.

M. Shahid, M. Bari, & Mehwish (2022). “Texture Features-Based Quantitative Analysis of Mung-Bean Varieties Using Machine Vision Approach.” Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

J. Mutiullah, M. Bari, A. Ahmed, M. Sabir, & S. Naveed (2022). “Lung Cancer Detection Using Digital Image Processing Techniques: A Review.” Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, 38(2): 351-360.

M.K. Shaiza Khan (2022). “Impact of Mobile Phone on Childhood in Pakistani Society.” Journal of Computer & Information Technology, 9(2): 21-25.

A. Waheed, S. Muhammed, I. Sherjeel, A. Muhammed, & K. Adnan (2022). “A Review of Popular Agile Software Development Technologies.” Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering, 8(4).

S. Qadri, D.M. Khan, F. Ahmad, S.F. Qadri, & M.U. Rehman (2022). “A Novel Optimized Land Cover Classification Framework Using Data Mining Techniques.” Sindh University Research Journal, 49(2).

S. Qadri, D.M. Khan, S.F. Qadri, A. Razzaq, N. Ahmad, & M. Jamil (2021). “Multisource Data Fusion Framework for Land Use/Land Cover Classification Using Machine Vision.” Journal of Sensors, 3515418.

S. Qadri, D.M. Khan, F. Ahmad, S.F. Qadri, & M.E. Babar (2021). “A Comparative Study of Land Cover Classification by Using Multispectral and Texture Data.” Biomed Research International, 8797438.

E.A. Rehmani, M.S. Naweed, M. Shahid, S. Qadri, & M. Ullah (2021). “A Comparative Study of Crop Classification by Using Radiometric and Photographic Data.” Sindh University Research Journal, 47(2).

S. Qadri, D.M. Fahad, & E.A. Rehmani (2021). “Identification of Buildings and Roads Area in an Aerial Image by Applying Morphological Filters.” International Journal of Engineering, Technology and Natural Sciences, 34-37.

U. Noreen, M. Jamil, & N. Ahmad (2021). “Hand Detection Using HSV Model.” Unpublished.

N.K. Verma, D.W. Lamb, N. Reid, & B. Wilson (2020). “A Comparative Study of Land Cover Classification Techniques for ‘Farmscapes’ Using Very High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data.” Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 80(5): 461-470.

Mutiullah & E.A. Rehmani (2020). “Varietal Discrimination of Wheat Seeds by Machine Vision Approach.” Life Science Journal, 11(6): 245-252.

Social Network Analysis, Image Processing