Faculty Profile

Engr. Dr. Liaquat Ali Khan
Associate Professor/Head of Department
PhD (Mechanical Engineering) ,University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, (July 2013) (Energy, exergy and optimization of thermal system)

PhD (Mechanical Engineering)
University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, (July 2013) (Energy, exergy and optimization of thermal system)

MS (Mechanical Engineering) in Control and optimization Engineering
Michigan State University, East Lansing USA, June 1995. G.P.A. 3.5/4.00 (Thermal system (radiator) optimization)

BE (Mechanical Engineering)
N.E.D. University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, April 1991 (85% marks)

MBA-ITM –MBA Information Technology ,International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan (78 credit course) with a (CGPA of 3.84/4) in 2002. (Management, finance and accounting with Information Technology used in Business).

Field of Specialization:
  • Thermo-fluid, especially related to energy systems like heat recovery systems form power plants, form central A/C systems and their optimization for their best performance with minimum cost.
  • Control Systems, Robotics, FEM, Optimization, Thermal Design and Optimization of thermal system.
  • Mechatronics Systems design and their applications (PLC’s, Verilog programming of embedded systems) and Robotics.
  • Computer Architecture, Programming (VB, C, C++, FORTRAN), Computer Networks, Internet & web page development, Intranet and Databases Systems.
  • Management sciences (Management, Accounting, Project Management, Financial Management, manufacturing systems, Total Quality Management etc.).
Courses Taught

Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Power Plants, Fluid Mechanics, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Tribology, Engineering Statics, Engineering Dynamics, Introduction to Mechatronics, Machine Design applications in Mechatronics, Control systems, Embedded Systems, Introduction to Robotic, Mechanical Vibrations, Finite Element Methods, Advanced Thermodynamics, Engineering Management, Control Systems and Control Engineering-I (Advanced Control System) Modeling and Simulation, Advanced Industrial Instrumentation, Optimization of Method for Engineers, Computer Networks, Databases, Software Project Management, Management Information systems, software quality and testing, digital logic design, Software Quality Assurance, Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems, Applied Thermodynamics

  • Languages: Visual Basic, Fortran, Pascal, C++, Verilog
  • Technologies:    Internets and Intranet, Web-page development (ASP code), computer networks
  • Databases:    Database management (Oracle), System Analysis and Design.
  • Computer Architecture:    Uses of computers, Computer architecture, Logic Design, data transfer, operating systems etc.
  • Software Packages:    MS-Office, MATLAB, SIMULINK, AutoCAD, Ansys,, Fluent, EES, ModelSim, Xilinix, Scientific work place and other packages.
Projects Supervised
  • Conversion of 70 cc Petrol Engine to Ethanol
  • Design and Analysis of McPherson suspension System Multi-Purpose Vehicle
  • Design and analysis of twist beam suspension system
  • PV solar system for 1 ton of vapor compression Air-conditioner
  • Design and Model Fabrication of 1 hp PV Pumping System
  • Design, analyze and data acquisition for a cooling tower model
  • Data acquisition for exhaust gas analysis of in IC engine for fine tuning.
  • Design and Model Fabrication of Solar (PV) based power system to pump water.
  • Design and Fabrication of Ethanol (E-100) fuel Efficient Urban Concept Car.
  • Design and Test Rig manufacturing for a radiator with data acquisition to verify the design.
  • Design and model fabrication of dual pipe parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger with data acquisition to verify the result.
  • Design and model fabrication of a small 100 watt steam power plant using pressure cooker as a boiler.
  • Design a computer controlled test bench for cross flow heat exchanger.
  • Design and fabricate a two legged Robot.
  • Design and fabricate automatic bottle filling station.
  • Design and demonstrate the magnetic train model.
  • Design and fabricate a robotic arm and conveyer to automatic picking and placing the components.
  • Design and fabrication of automatic ceiling fan winding machine.
  • Design and model fabrication of human gait adopted robot. Etc.
  • Design and Fabrication of Human Exoskeleton Arm.
  • Design and fabrication of Robot for automatic serving in restaurant.
  • Design a software in C++ to perform different operations over the matrices.
  • Design the university information system, for enrolling and results of students.
  • Make a software for the gear manufacturers to design and simulate it different behaviors.
  • Software, to design and simulate the designing of pressure vessel for Angro-Urea Pakistan.
  • Computer simulation to design and optimize the cost of a Variable Core Geometry Condenser, and Vane Type compressors.  This is done in VB-6.
  • Design a Truss System using Finite Element Method.  Create a Software in MATLAB to accept choices of material and also cater the yield strength of materials and constants automatically.
  • Compute simulation software in VB-6 to design the different Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Cycles.
  • Computer simulation in Visual-Basic-6 to design the different Steam Power Generation Cycles, make a software package using Visual-Baisc-6 to completely design and animate it.
MS Thesis Supervised
  • Design and development of a robust control adjustable electrical dc drive System using pi controller.  (2010)
  • Modeling and simulation of a dynamic Motorcycle simulator based on Stewart Gough platform using inverse kinematics.  (2011)
  • Modeling, simulation and optimization of a mechanical prosthetic arm. (2015)
  • Bipedal walking robot trajectory generation and tracking using LQR Controller. (2015)
  • Kinematic and stiffness analysis of 3-prs parallel kinematic mechanism

  1. Chapter (Ch-11) published in Functional Reverse Engineering ofMachine Tools by Taylor & FrancisOct 2019.
  2. Rayyan Azam Khan, Liaquat Ali Khan, Syed Zahid Hussain, “Design and Simulation of 0.75hp Soft Start AC Water Pump Powered by PV Solar System”, Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol 3, issue 4, pp 113-121, 2015. (h index =1, Impact factor = 0.11)
  3. Liaquat  Ali  Khan,  Dr.  Ali  El-Ghalban,  Heat  Exchanger  Exergetic Lifecycle  Cost  Optimization  using Evolutionary  Algorithms, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, Issue 1,  Volume  3,  January  2008,  pp125-136  (SCImago  Journal Rank (SJR) =0.124)
  4. Liaquat A. Khan, Fathi Mahfouz, Thermoeconomic Lifecycle Cost Optimization of an Annular Fin Heat Exchanger, Pak. J. Engg. & Appl.  Sci.  Vol.  11,  July,  2012,  pp.129-140.  (HEC  Recognized Journal X Category)
  5. Liaquat A. Khan, Fathi Mahfouz, Shahid Khalil, Thermoeconomic Lifecycle  Energy  Recovery  System  Optimization  For  Central  Air- Conditioning   System   Using   Evolutionary   Technique   Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 31, No. 1, January, 2012, pp 13-28  (HEC Recognized Journal Y Category)
  6. Umar Khan, Liaquat Ali Khan and Syed Zahid Hussein, Selection ofOptimal Heat Sink Dimensions Using Evolutionary Strategies: A CaseStudy, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 3,NO. 4, AUGUST 2008. (H Index = 21 Impact Factor = 0.52)
  7. Liaquat Ali Khan, Abrar Ahmed, Umar Abdul Ahad and Syed ZahidHussain ,Design and Development of a Robust Control AdjustableElectrical DC Drive System Using PI Controller, ARPN Journal ofEngineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 3,  NO. 3, June 2008,pp55-60 (H Index = 21 Impact Factor = 0.52)
  8. Khan  L.A,  Mehtab  U,  Hasan  EU,  Hussain  Z  ,  “Design  andFabrication  of  a  CNC  Machine  For  Engraving  and  Drilling,International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 1No. 3, pp. 1-7 December, 2014.
  9. Muhammad  Rameez,  Dr.  Liaquat  Ali  Khan,  “Modeling  andKinematic Analysis of  the Biped Robot”, International  Journal ofMining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME), Vol 3,issue 1, pp 17-20, 2015
  10. Hasan  EU,  Khan  LA,  Hussain  Z  and  Yousaf  N.  “Gait  AdaptiveRobotic Leg”. Austin J Robot & Automation. Vol 2, issue 1, pp 1-5,2015
  11. Rayyan  Azam  Khan,  Liaquat  Ali  Khan,  Farzan  Majeed  Noori,Zareena Kausar, and Aaqib Majeed, “Design and Simulation of a SineWave   Inverter   with   PID   Control   for   NonlinearLoadApplications,” International  Journal  of  Innovation  and  ScientificResearch, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 672–683, September 2016.
  12. Farzan Majeed Noori, Liaquat Ali Khan, Rayyan Azam Khan, “CostEffective Recognition and Classification of Moving Objects using Simulink”, “Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research”, vol 3,no. 5, pp 174-182, 2016
  13. Hemodynamic Signal Prediction Using Modified General Linear Model and Error Estimation Using RLS Filter" to be considered for publication in Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Brain Imaging Methods.  (in Review Process)
  14. Nadeem A, Shah M F, Farooq S S, Kausar Z, Khan L, Design and Development of a Paint Spraying Robotic Mechanism, Pakistan Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, (In Review)
  15. Khan L A, Shah M F, Farooq S S, Kinematics and Singularity Analysis of 3-PRS Parallel Kinematic Mechanism, Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology. (Submitted)
  16. Khan L A, Khan J, M F Shah, Kinematic and Stiffness Analysis of 3-PRS Parallel Kinematic Mechanism, Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences. (Submitted)
  17. Shah M F, Kausar Z, Farooq M U, Khan L A , Farooq S S, Accuracy Analysis of a Six Degree of Freedom Machining Bed with Contemplating Workpiece,  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. (Submitted)
Conference Papers
  •  Zafar Ullah Koreshi*, Sadaf Siddiq *and Liaquat A. Khan*, Feasibility of Small HTGR’s: Energy-Economic Analysis for Developing Countries, IEEE, Proceedings, Rawalpindi, Pakistan,25th - 27th October 2010
  • Liaquat Ali Khan, Ali El-Ghalban, “Heat Exchanger Exergoeconomic life cycle cost optimization” 3rd IASME/WSEAS International conference on Energy and Environment, Cambridge, UK, pp. 99-106, 23-25 Feb 2008
  • Liaquat Ali Khan, Juwairiyah Naeem, Umar Khan, S. Zahid Hussain, “PID Control of a Biped Robot” 8th WSEAS International conference on Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology ROCOM’08, Hangshou, China, pp. 156-160, 6-8 April 2008
  • Umar Khan, Liaquat Ali Khan, S. Zahid Hussain, “Reinforcement Learning for Appearance Based Visual Serving in Robotics Manipulators”, International conference on Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology ROCOM’08, Hangshou, China, pp. 160-168, 6-8 April 2008
  • Liaquat Ali Khan, Ahsan Rahman, “PID Based Controller For High Rise Buildings Stability Under Earthquake Excitation” IBCAST-2007 conference, Paper-ID 74069
  • Liaquat A. Khan*, B.W. Fei, W.S. Ng and C.K. Kwoh “X-ray Localization Technique for Total Hip Replacement” Physics of Medical Imaging, part of SPIE’s Medical Imaging 2000” San Diego, CA, USA, Paper ID 3977-82, Poster, 12-18 Feb 2000
  • Liaquat A. Khan*, B.W. Fei, W.S. Ng and C.K. Kwoh “X-ray Localization Technique for Total Hip Replacement Operation in Augmented Reality for  Therapy (ART)” BMES-EMBS 1st Joint Conference” Atlanta, USA, Paper ID 1203, Poster, 13-16 October 1999
  • Neelum Yousuf Sattar, Dr. Liaquat Ali Khan, “Forward Kinematics Model and Workspace Simulatin of a Prosthetic Arm, CONTECH’14 conference, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 125-135, 13-15 October, 2014
  • Neelum Yousaf, Liaquat Ali Khan, Umar Farooq et.at, “Inverse Kinematic Model and Simulation of a Prosthetic Upper Limb”, IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering, Pennang Malaysia, pp 526-531, 27-29 November 2015

  1. Member of Pakistan Engineering Council (MECH/9817) as Professional Engineer
  2. Member of 1st NCRC for Mechatronics Engineering and developed the first Mechatronics Engineering Curriculum.
  3. Member of current NCRC for Mechanical Engineering who updated the Mechanical Engineering curriculum in 2017